
Hall bookings: bookings(at)thundridge.org.

Due to holidays, the village hall mobile phone number will not be available from January 13th to February 5th. Hall visits to view will not be available at this time. However, emails to bookings(at)thundridge.org will be monitored, although you may not get an immediate response.

Please read the sections below VERY carefully.

Section A - Booking procedure

A1 Bookings. Bookings may be made by email to bookings(at)thundridge.org or by telephone to 07761 608 794.

A2 Hire charges. Charges are for an initial four-hour block. Prices are determined by the time of day and day of the week. Extra hours can be booked if available at an hourly rate specified in the Hire Charges. An over-run of the period of hire will be charged at the appropriate hourly rate.

In addition to the hire charge, the Hirer agrees to pay a £100 deposit (£200 for parties), against which costs for damages and cleaning may be taken if needed as decided by The Committee.

Please remember to include setting-up time and clearing-up time in the booked period.

A3 Hires terminate at 10.00pm (Sundays and weekdays) or 11.00pm (Saturdays). Unless approved by The Committee in advance, all functions must terminate by 10.00pm on Sunday or weekdays and 11.00pm on Saturdays. The Hirer must clear up and vacate the hall by the end of the hire period.

A4 Special dates. Bookings for special dates (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, etc) must be approved by the committee.

A5 Safety procedures. By signing the Hire Agreements, the hirer accepts full responsibility for ensuring the safety of everyone using the hall for the duration of the hire, including obeying the committee’s procedures on fire protection, health protection and legal compliance.

A6 Cancellation of agreement. If the hirer withdraws from this agreement, no refund of the retainer will be made unless such notice is given 14 days before the hire period is due to begin.


Section B - Accommodation and Facilities

The main hall, annex, stage, cloakrooms, toilets, kitchen and car park are available for the use of hirers.

B1 Key and Key-Safe. The Hirer will either collect a front door key from the booking secretary or be given the code for the push-button key-safe to the right of the front door. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to look after the hall key and return it to the booking secretary at a date arranged by them, or to replace it in the key-safe immediately after the hire.

B2 Main Hall. The main hall, annex, stage, cloakrooms and kitchen (including two electric cookers, an urn, kettles and a microwave oven) are available for the use of Hirers. The mobile plate-warming trolley in the annex is the property of Hertfordshire County Council and may not to be used. A Hirer who wishes to use the cookers must sign the Hire Agreement to confirm that the safety instructions have been understood (see below, B4).

B3 Equipment. Basic catering equipment is provided, including cups, saucers, glasses and plates, etc. Damage to hall equipment or fixtures must be reported to the booking team (bookings(at)thundridge.org or 07761 608 794) within 24 hours of the event. An appropriate charge for the cost of replacement items may be deducted from the deposit or (if greater than £100, or £200 for parties) made to the Hirer.

B4 Cooking appliances. Special safety procedures apply to those who have indicated on the Hire Agreement their intention to use the cooker/hot plates in the kitchen. The Hirer is responsible for the safe use of all the cooking appliances, especially with regard to the hot plates. The plates may be warm to the touch at the front but they are extremely hot at the back and must not be touched. For safety, the Hirer agrees to keep children out of the kitchen when the cooker/hot plates are in use.

B5 Hall furniture. Fourteen tables on the trolley in the annex,and 120 chairs stacked ten-high, are available for hirers to use. Furniture stored in the annex must be returned there after use and stacked neatly as found. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to avoid injury to people and damage to equipment by moving the tables and chairs carefully.

To protect the hall floor from damage, tables and chairs must be carried and not dragged across the floor. There is a trolley supplied to move chairs up to 10 at a time. The Committee accepts no responsibility for injuries caused by incorrect use of the chair trolley (such as by over-balancing or taking too many chairs at a time).

The table tennis tables in the kitchen are the property of the table tennis clubs and are not to be used by Hirers without express permission.

B6 Ladders. TVH owns a set of ladders for the exclusive use of The Committee and appointed personnel only. Hirers must not use the TVH ladders. Nor may Hirers bring their own ladders without the express agreement of The Committee.

B8 Annex. The annex can be used as a bar or serving area by the Hirer.

The fridge in the annex is free for the Hirer’s use as required. It may be turned off at the mains to save electricity, but the Hirer is free to turn it on. Hirers are reminded to remove any items they store in the fridge and wipe it clean inside when they leave.

B9 Car park. The car park is available for the use of hirers during the time that has been booked for the use of the hall. Cars must not be left beyond the period of hire or overnight. See also section C4.

Cars must not be parked directly outside the doors to the hall from the car park.They are emergency exit doors and must be kept clear at all times.

At weekends, cars may also be parked at Thundridge Business Park.


Section C - General conditions and responsibilities of hirer

C1 Hall capacity. The maximum capacity of the hall is 120 people excluding staffand attendants.

C2 Decorations. No decorations may be attached to the walls, doors or ceiling without prior consent of the committee.

C3 Responsible conduct. The hirer shall be responsible for the conduct of  everyone using the hall during the period of hire.

C4 Car parking. Hirers are requested to supervise parking to avoid obstruction of the highway and to prevent a nuisance to local residents.  Vehicles parked in the hall’s car park must be parked clear of the emergency exit doors.

C5 Noise. While the committee realises the hall is hired for enjoyment, including playing music and making other noises while having a good time, hirers are reminded that the hall is surrounded by houses. Hirers are requested to exercise restraint and not unnecessarily disturb local residents. For example, if loud music is played, please keep doors and windows closed. Hirers and guests should arrive and leave the hall quietly.

C6 No unlawful use. The hirer shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described in the Hire Agreement. The hirer shall not sub-let the hall, nor use the premises (or allow the premises to be used) for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful manner. The hirer shall not do anything (or bring on to the premises anything) which may endanger the safety of any person nor render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof.

C7 Sale of alcohol. It is illegal to sell alcoholic drinks without a valid licence. It is the responsibility of the hirer to obtain such a licence.

C8 Smoking. It is illegal to smoke or vape (e-cigarettes) in any of the rooms in the hall or in the toilets. Do not litter the environs of the hall with smoking-related material, such as butt-ends and matches or cigarette packets.

C9 Dancing and entertainment regulations. The hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by any Public Statutory Body or court, particularly in connection with any event which includes public dancing or music or other similar entertainment.

C10 Food and hygiene regulations. The hirer shall observe all appropriate food, health and hygiene regulations.

C11 Electrical appliances. The hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought in to the premises comply with appropriate safety standards and are in good working order and used in a safe manner

C12 No liability of committee. Insofar as the law permits, the committee does not accept liability for any injury to persons or damage to personal property on the premises, or its grounds. Any property of the hirer left on the premises during the period of hire, is the responsibility of the hirer.

C13 Rubbish. It is the responsibility of the hirer to dispose of all rubbish created during the hire and such rubbish must be removed from the hall and its grounds by the time the period of hire expires. N.B. The management does not provide rubbish sacks.

C14 Animals. No animals are allowed in the hall, except guide dogs.


Section D Emergency procedures

D1 Fire and Safety Monitor. Either the hirer or someone appointed by the hirer will act as ‘Fire and Safety Monitor' for the duration of the hire.  The Fire and Safety Monitor will read and agree to the emergency evacuation procedures located by the emergency exit doors to the car park (see map below).

D2 Manual fire bell. There is a manual fire alarm bell by the emergency exit doors to the car park.  The Fire and Safety Monitor will order the bell to be rung in the event of a fire or other serious emergency (such as a gas leak).

D3 Muster Station. The muster station is the hall car park.  The Fire and Safety Monitor is responsible for ensuring the occupants of the hall go to the muster station and for checking that no one is left inside (such as in the toilets, kitchen or annex).

D4 Emergency services. If the emergency services need to be called, the Fire and Safety Monitor will ensure that the appropriate emergency service (fire brigade,ambulance and/or police) is contacted and that the booking secretary or a representative of the committee is informed as soon as possible.

D5 Incident Book. The Fire and Safety Monitor will record any incident (fire, accident, danger to health, etc) or practise safety drill in the Incident Book located by the emergency exit doors into the car park.

D6 Registers. Thundridge Primary School and Ware Scouts (Cubs and Beavers) will appoint a responsible adult to be the Fire and Safety Monitor.  The Fire and Safety Monitor will keep a register of the children in the hall during the hire, to check that everyone has been evacuated to the muster station in the car park in the event of an emergency.

D7 Fire drills. Thundridge Primary School and Ware Scouts (Cubs and Beavers) will agree emergency evacuation procedures with the committee and practise them at least twice a year. Each exercise will be recorded in the Incident Book (see D5).

D8 Fire doors. The fire doors are clearly signed in the hall.  Nothing must be placed in front of the fire exits, either inside or outside, or in the path to the fire exits.

D9 Fire and safety equipment. The fire exits, fire extinguishers, manual fire bell and first-aid kits are marked on the Floor Plan below. The Fire and Safety Monitor will ensure that safety equipment is not moved, damaged nor interfered with.


Section E - Hall heaters and other special requirements

E1 Heaters. There are two heaters in the main hall, one in the annex and one in the kitchen.  The hall heating system is controlled by swtiches (one for 'on' one for 'off') in the ladies’ toilet.  Instructions are displayed on the notice board in the lobby and in the Ladies' Toilet.

E2 Exit signs. The hirer must comply with the legal requirement to display the ‘Exit’ signs by ensuring the signs are switched on during the period of hire and switched off before leaving.


Section F - Before leaving

The hirer shall:

F1 Clean the floor with the equipment provided.

F2 Draw the curtains using the pull cords and ensure that the windows are closed and locked.

F3 Remove from both the hall and its grounds all rubbish generated by the hirer.

F4 Ensure that all the doors marked on the floor plan below are closed. The main entrance door is to be both closed and locked.

F5 Switch off ‘Exit’ signs and turn off lights.

F6 Return the key to the booking secretary as soon as possible after the hire, or to the key-safe on exit from the hall.


Floor Plan

showing the location of the emergency exits and safety equipment

Thundridge Village Hall Floor Plan 92
© 2025Thundridge Village HallAll rights reservedBuilt on Concrete
Views: 2293